Online Enhanced CE is a hybrid between our live and online courses. This course includes the online course with live portions with Ken Perry throughout the day of the event. Ken will be available to discuss the material and answer questions.
Date: Sept 24th, 2020
Time: 8am - 5pm
8 Hour SAFE Comprehensive: Game of Loans
Course ID: #11690
Oregon and Washington Online state CE can be purchased for the price of banking fees
This course will fulfill the 8-hour FED course requirement
8 HOUR SAFE Comprehensive: Game of Loans
Compliance is coming. This year the Knowledge Coop brings you another great 8-hour class featuring some of the greats of the mortgage industry. Bill Hart, Dave Savage, and more are interviewed about ethical lending, ethical leadership, and providing borrowers with the information they need to make the right decisions. Other topics include some of the hottest topics including advertising laws, RESPA, the new URLA, and recent and potential updates to FHA. All of this interwoven with scenes from the newest Knowledge Coop Production; Game of Loans.
Have Questions?
Phone: 360-342-6176 Email:
8 Hour NMLS Course ID#: 11690
Provider ID #: 1400023